LMS Spring Sports Information
March 5, 2025
LMS Athletics - Spring 2025
In order to sign up, make sure your athlete is registered through FinalForms - click the link.
6th/7th/8th Grade Coed Track
First day of practice - April 7th
Time: 2:45 pm-4:00 pm daily
No Tryouts
Coaches: Mr Douglass (ndouglas@lindenschools.org) and Mr Niestroy (eniestroy@lindenschools.org)
8th Grade Baseball
Tryouts: 3/17 - 3/19 from 3 - 430 pm on JV Field (or MS gym depending on weather)
First practice for players who make the team: 3/20 from 3-5 pm on JV Field
Parent meeting: 3/20 at 5 pm on JV Field (or MS gym depending on weather)
Practices begin: 3/24 (Monday - Thursday) from 3-5 pm. No practices on Fridays until games begin.
Coaches: Mrs. Scollon (mscollon@lindenschools.org) &
Mr. Murray (lmurray@lindenschools.org)
7th Grade Baseball
Tryouts: 3/17-3/19 - 5:00-7:00 pm on JV field (or in MS gym from 6-7:30 if weather is bad)
Practices: Will start on 3/20-Monday-Thursday 5:00 pm-7:00 pm on JV field (or in MS gym from 6-7:30 if weather is bad) Friday practice optional for first 2 weeks.
Parent Meeting: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm on 3/12 @ LMS Life Skills Room
Coach: Mr. Tate - tater241999@gmail.com
8th Grade Softball
Tryouts: 3/17-3/19 from 7:30 pm-9:00 pm - LMS Gym if inside/ If outside it will be 5-7pm on Varsity field
Practice: 3/20 and 3/21, and continue daily the week of March 24th.
Parent Meeting: will be scheduled the week of March 24th
Coach: Mr Jeric - jeric1204@charter.net
7th Grade Softball
Tryouts: 3/17-3/19 from 4:30 pm-6:00 pm - LMS Gym if inside/ If outside it will be 5-7pm on JV field
Practice: 3/20 and 3/21, and continue daily the week of March 24th.
Parent Meeting: will be scheduled the week of March 24th
Coaches: Mrs Crampton - hmcrampton@icloud.com and Mrs. Oda meganoda19@yahoo.com
LMS Bowling
Tryouts: 3/18 from 4-6pm @ Holly Lanes (Flyers in the front office)
Coach: Tina Bond -