Click on the link for more information on updating your student's information
Partnering with Varsity Tutors for Schools, students can now use 24/7 On-Demand Chat Tutoring. When help is needed, connect with a highly qualified expert tutor, day or night. Learning has never been more flexible! Students in grades 6-12 can find it on the Academics menu of their school's website. #VT4S #lindeneaglepride
Can't wait to see our Preschool students on August 28th. #lindeneaglepride
It's everything Linden Schools in your pocket! #lindeneaglepride
Celebrating #lindeneaglepride
@LindenEagles staff kicking the 2024-25 school year off with AI #lindeneaglepride
Find all of our dining menus in the LCS mobile app. #lindeneaglepride
The start of the 24-25 school year is almost here! #lindeneaglepride
Looking forward to seeing out 6th through 8th grade students at Open House on August 20th. #lindeneaglepride
Hoping to see all of our 4th and 5th graders at Central's Open House on August 20th. #lindeneaglepride
Hope to see all of our Kindergarten through 3rd grade students at the Open Houses on August 20th.
Can't wait to see our high school students at orienation on August 19th. #lindeneaglepride
Schools of Choice enrollment window for the 2024-2025 school year closes today at 3:00 PM. Click for more information.
Schools of Choice enrollment window for the 2024-2025 school year is closing soon. Click for more information.
A full day of learning with @PrinRipmaster @massp 5D+ Rater Reliability 1 of 2. A great way to kick of the 24-25 school year and share ideas.
We can't wait to welcome all of our new 6th graders to SOAR orientation on August 8th. #lindeneaglepride
Go to our Back to School webpage for more information on updating your student's information
We're excited to get ready for the 2024-25 school year! #lindeneaglepride
Check out the daily schedule for each school and the district school year calendar on our Back to School webpage.
Click here to meet the entire staff at our Early Childhood Center