Yearbook Pick-Up
Girl studying
LHS Update 2
Logos for SNAP food program and Flint Fresh program with heading "Nutrition Delivered"
LHS Update
New Staff
Josh Stokes earned his Bachelor of Science in Secondary Special Education from Eastern Michigan University. He is excited to be back in Linden and  is looking forward to giving back to the community that gave him so much.  After a 10-year professional speaking event career around the country, he is excited to be back home.  He was a form Linden student, wrestler, football player, and thrower in track. He said, “I always had amazing teachers here in LCS.  I want to be that mentor that I had and to have students feel proud of themselves, feel welcomed, and be productive in the real world.”
Woman drinking coffee with words ParentVue Open for the New Year
Tuffy Logo
LCS logo with words Linden Board of Education seeks applicant
Congratulations Linden Community Schools retirees 2023-24!
images of Superintendent Ciesielski giving out gifts
smartphone showing someone being scammed
Girl studying in library
Spring PSAT/MME Rest Reminder
2024 Spring State Testing Information
LHS Update
State Testing