All classrooms will be participating in our school reading challenge. United States regions and state information will be reinforced during this month's activity.

Students are being asked to read at least 30 minutes a night from a chapter story book, homework should not be counted toward this time. For every 30 minutes read, the student will fill out a book slip. Please print neatly. Copies of this slip are attached. More slips are available in their classroom and the Media Center. Reading slips will be turned into their homeroom teacher. Reading slips start on March 1st and end on March 24th. Reading slips will be drawn at the end of the month for prizes. Top readers from all classrooms will receive a $15.00 gift certificate to be used at our spring Scholastic Book Fair.

Students will also have the opportunity to dress up as their favorite story book character on March 25th. Book fair gift certificates will be given for top costumes.